Your 2020 RESET
source the next best version of you...
There is a global RESET taking place. Now is the time to create your own RESET? Create a 'Stress is Optional' approach to your life. 'Stress is Normal' is not normal! Rise-up to your resistance and learn how to slow down to move yourself ahead!
This involves: Implementing RESET practices; shifting from 'What if Worrier" to 'What if Warrior'; Cultivating the 'focus' success habit.

RESET eHandbooks x 3
The content of the three eHandbooks build upon one another. Start with whichever one resonates with you, then pick another one. The eHandbooks include: Content; tips and exercises to create results immediately. The practices help you to form fresh success habits. Stress is Optional becomes your daily experience. As a leader, influence teams with these proven practices. It works if you work it! The Next Best Version of You!

Your 2020 RESET Solutions
Promotion Price $89 (regular $120)

Client Testimonials

Disrupt Frenetic Energy
Maggie Judge / Business Tool Design Professional

I learned to Slow Down to Move Ahead!
Cynthia Dreger / Mortgage Broker

Up-Leveled My Focus for Business Growth
Melanie Cheek / Wealth Investment Advisor

Prosperity Mindset + Increased Revenue
Christie Wengranowski / Brand Design Professional

Critical Leadership Principles
Lanna Thompson / VEA Professionals

Time-Management Practices; Focused Growth
Karen/Ian Grant / 3rd Generation Network Marketer

Getting and Staying Organized with Results
Linda Mackie, Professional Photographer

It Works if You Work it!
Jenny Ryce, Mindset Coach

Accountability to Realize Goals!
Lisa Wilson / Leadership Trainer